Artikel: Applications of Fuzzy Number Max-Plus Eigenvalues on Queuing Networks with Fuzzy Activity Times

M. Andy Rudhito, Sri Wahyuni, Ari Suparwanto, F. Susilo

Prociding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications (ICMSA 2009). Unand Bukttinggi. 9-11 Juni 2009.

The activity times in a network is seldom precisely known, and then could be represented into the fuzzy numbers. This paper aims to determine the service cycle completion time of the acyclic fork-join queuing networks with fuzzy number activity times using fuzzy number max-plus algebra. This paper is a theoretical investigation based on literature and computation using MATLAB program. The finding shows that the service cycle completion time is a eigenvalue of matrices over fuzzy number max-plus algebra in the system.

Keywords: Max-Plus Algebra, Queuing Networks, Fuzzy Number, Completion Times, Eigenvalues.

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